Beam Radio

Stories and conversations around Elixir, Erlang and the BEAM ecosystem

About the show

A packed panel of Elixir experts and experienced developers who make the complicated interesting and fun. We talk about Elixir, Erlang and all things related to the BEAM virtual machine ecosystem.

Featuring a panel of hosts including Bruce Tate, Sophie Debenedetto, Alex Koutmos, Steven Nunez and Lars Wikman.

Edited by Maggie Tate
Sponsored by and Underjord


  • Poster Image

    Episode 1: Lars Wikman and the BEAM

    February 23rd, 2021  |  Season 1  |  35 mins 55 secs
    beam, elixir, functional programming, liveview, phoenix

    Meet the hosts of and listen to the round table discussion on the BEAM led by Lars Wikman

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    A peek at the Beam Radio Conversations

    January 21st, 2021  |  Season 1  |  2 mins 31 secs
    beam, computer programming, elixir, erlang, functional programming, liveview, phoenix

    A glimpse into the pod about the Alex's conversation on observability

  • Poster Image

    Season 1 Trailer

    January 20th, 2021  |  Season 1  |  35 secs
    beam, computer programming, elixir, erlang, functional programming, liveview, phoenix

    Curious? Take a listen to a sneak peek of upcoming shows!